Q: What is a campus institute?
A: A campus institute is usually a Church owned building adjacent to or near a college or university campus.
Q: What happens at a campus institute?
A: Campus institutes are places where young adults (ages 18-35) can gather to socialize, attend religion classes, attend devotionals, participate in activities, eat, serve, study, relax, etc.
Q: Do I need to be a college student to participate at a campus institute?
A: No. Campus institutes are for all young adults ages 18-35 no matter their situation in life. All young adults are welcome at any campus institute.
Q: Who will I find at a campus institute?
A: Your future spouse! J/K – maybe :). You’ll find like-minded young adults that are also striving to become better, make connections, and deepen their faith in Jesus Christ. You’ll find young adults from similar and varied backgrounds as you, some of which might become lifelong and eternal friends.
Q: Does it cost money to attend or participate at a campus institute?
A: No. Your investment of time at a campus institute is the only cost you’ll incur, and that investment has a huge return on investment.
Q: Are there chances to lead?
A: Yes. Often, there are councils and committees that give you a chance to plan, serve others, and hone leadership skills if you so desire.
Q: Can I receive credit for the religion classes I take?
A: Yes. Although taking the class for credit is not required, you can earn credit toward an institute of religion diploma if desired. That credit can also be used if transferring to one of the Church sponsored schools (BYU, BYUI, BYUH, Ensign, Pathway).
Q: What is a Gathering Place?
A: Authorized by the Area Presidency, a Gathering Place is a designated location in an existing church meetinghouse or campus institute building.
Q: What happens at a Gathering Place?
A: Much like a campus institute, Gathering Places allow young adults (ages 18-35) to gather so they can socialize, attend institute classes, and other varied classes, participate in indoor and outdoor activities, eat, serve, etc.
Q: Who can attend a Gathering Place?
A: Any young adult ages 18-35 no matter their life circumstance or situation. Gathering Places are established based on geography and priesthood coordinating councils and focus on those young adults that live within those boundaries. However, a young adult can choose to attend any Gathering Place.
Q: Who will I find at a Gathering Place?
A: You’ll usually find young adults that live in the same city as you or a neighboring city.
Q: Who directs, leads, and supports a Gathering Place?
A: Gathering Places are directed by priesthood coordinating councils with one designated stake president who serves as the chair. A Gathering Place is led by a young adult committee with representation from each supporting stake. An institute employee (coordinator) assists church leaders and committees in operating the Gathering Place.
Q: Can I make recommendations as to what happens at a Gathering Place?
A: Yes. Gathering Places are led by young adults who seek the feedback and ideas from their peers. One main purpose of a Gathering Place is to help young adults make connections with one another in a variety of ways.
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